The Labu “Reiza”

The Living Pumpkin



Welcome to RexKraft! Established on November 18th, 2017, we have been passionately providing an immersive and engaging Minecraft experience for players of all ages. Our server features a vibrant community, exciting gameplay modes, and unique events that keep the fun going strong. Join us and explore the world of RexKraft, where adventure awaits around every corner!

Adino & Grahami

No words can describe them



Adino steals cotton candy from his brother and eats them all in one bite, a hungry beast. Grahami can no longer contain his anger towards Adino.

Captain Sem

Veteran Spooky Ghost

#3 Top Scariest Ghost


In search for cute little puppy, Captain Sem has come back from his tragic death. With his hogwarts certified power he promise to be a hero for all of ghostkind.

Server Staff

Admin | Elmo76

The Fixer.

Admin | CeruleanOwl

The Bold and the Beautiful.

Admin | Alinkofpast

Warrior with a Heart.

Admin | Micjoseph

Pick the most stylish witch hats out there.

Sr. Mod | xMissZeldax

She takes no Sassafrass from Anyone!.

Sr. Mod | foxycat58

If you see foxy make a run for your life.

Sr. Mod | BigJ

You look at the scariest pumpkins there is.

Helper | Glassbiscuits

Pick the most stylish witch hats out there.

Helper | Moreohio742

We want more!!!.


Rule #1


Don't argue with the Staff, if you believe someone is abusing power or being unfair, don’t bring it up in public chat or argue with them. DM a higher ranked staff member. The staff’s decision is final, Respect them and their decision.
Rule #2

Fair Play

Play fairly. The use of glitches, macros or hacks to get an advantage is forbidden. (No X-Ray, speed hacks, PVP hacks, duping, auto clickers or similar, bots, scripts, No taping your mouse or keys/weighing it down and similar to afk farm, etc.)
Rule #3


No bypassing AFK-KICK using any type of method at all.
Rule #4


Griefing is not allowed under any circumstances. If you are trusted on claimed land and remove/destroy/take anything without the permission of the claim owner it will be considered griefing. Do not steal or grief from claimed or unclaimed land, period. At no point are you allowed to raid a base, even if it is deemed Abandoned. We don't remove inactive claims even after a player has been offline for months.
Rule #5


Don't intentionally harm or disrespect someone, including slander, harassing, bullying, trolling, etc.
Rule #6


Drama/Arguments are not for public chats, take them to private chats. No sensitive subjects. (Such as religion, politics, etc)
Rule #7

Appropriate Chat

Keep chat & behaviors appropriate, no racist, sexist, offensive, disrespectful language or behavior. No swearing in the main chat. Keep it to private messages or party chat. Do not name call or direct harsh words towards other players or staff.
Rule #8

Inappropriate Behavior

Don't encourage inappropriate, immature, destructive or disrespectful language/behaviour.
Rule #9

Bug Abuse

Don't abuse any bugs or glitches you find. Abusing glitches and exploits will result in punishment. Report any glitches or bugs you find in the #bot-spam channel on Discord using !report .
Rule #10

Spawner Areas

Close off any areas with spawners. Letting entities build-up causes server lag. Make sure Redstone machines/farms have a turn off the switch when not being used. 0-tick farms are not allowed. Any Redstone farm which can cause a massive amount of lag to the server is not allowed, ask a staff member if not sure. [Ex. Slime sugarcane farm, Redstone cactus farm, etc.]
Rule #13

Building Proximity

You must build at 500 blocks or more away from other player’s creations/claims unless they give permission. In case a small claim/base is near you and they are not online for more than 90 days, we may consider moving their base to abandoned bases areas.
Rule #14

No Item Requests

Don't ask staff to spawn items, money, ranks or OP. Asking to buy something from them is different.
Rule #15


Don't impersonate anyone, staff, and players, through nicknames, prefixes, disguises, etc.
Rule #16

No Advertising

Don't advertise any other Minecraft or Discord servers.
Rule #17


Don't spread real-life information about yourself or others.
Rule #18

No Spamming

Don't spam chat, this includes repeated characters, phrases, commands, etc.
Rule #19

Appropriate Content

Keep your username, profile picture, character skin, nick, prefix, and builds appropriately. (Nothing racist, sexist, offensive, or disrespectful.)
Rule #20

TP Traps

Don't create TP traps, try to be careful when sending and accepting TPA requests. Don't spam teleport requests. Don't request TP's in an unsafe area. (ex:near lava, or high in the air.) Do not teleport kill.
Rule #21

Malicious Advice

Don't give advice with malicious intent. Don’t encourage self-harming and/or suicidal thoughts.
Rule #23

No Drugs

No discussions about medications/drugs. (Legal & Illegal, excluding drugs such as "soda", "coffee", etc..)
Rule #24

No Suicidal Talk

No suicidal/depression/self-harm talk, if you're depressed, ask your friends or family for help. Do not talk about negative experiences or depressing subjects that can trigger other players. We are not licensed professionals, Minecraft is not the place for this kind of talk.
Rule #25

Alt Accounts

We allow one alt per person. But they are only allowed for one use, that is to AFK. Alts can not be used for anything else. If you have an alt rank, have it log in and tell a staff member that it needs the alt rank.
Rule #27

Easter Eggs

Showing other players where Easter eggs are placed at spawn, or telling them where they are is not allowed. Also, do not follow other players who are looking for the eggs. You will be punished.
Rule #28

No Loopholes

Do not attempt to find or create loopholes in rules, you will be punished regardless.
Rule #29


Respect other players, staff and the chat. Do not carry on and ruin the atmosphere for others just so you can have fun.
Rule #30

Rule Questions

If you have a legitimate question about rules, please send a staff member a private message and they will help.
Rule #31


This is a family-friendly server. This means all chat will be appropriate for ALL ages and ALL groups. Follow all of the other rules and play fairly. Failure to do so will lead to punishment.
Rule #32

Shop Exploitation

Don’t buy from other shops to restock your own shop. Don’t buy/sell from other shops to exploit new changes in the server. [Ex. Someone is buying diamonds for $100 and server shop nerfs diamond prices from $150 to $50]
Rule #33

Item Monopoly

Please do not take more items from areas than you need where it becomes a monopoly for that item. It makes it so other players aren't able to get them on their own. One example is Elytras. Only get what you NEED. Don't take more to sell, just to make money. Let others have the chance to get them on their own and not HAVE to pay others for them. That isn't how Minecraft intended it or how we want this server to be. We want players to work together.
Rule #34

Quest Exploitation

Placing blocks and breaking them or using fastplace for BattlePass, Quests and tournaments etc are not allowed. You have to find the blocks naturally and mine them. If you are caught placing and breaking, we will prevent you from being able to participate in the BattlePass and other quest-like things in the future.
Rule #35

False Reports

Do not falsely report other players. This includes calling staff attention to another player just to try to get them in trouble when they weren't doing anything wrong.
Rule #37

AFK Farms

AFK fishing/piglin trading farms are not allowed.
Rule #38

English Only

Please only talk in English in public chat. You can use other languages in private messages or such with others.
Rule #39

Wolf AFK Grinding

Using wolves to afk grind for exp/tokens or mob loot is not allowed.
Rule #40

No Begging

No begging for items, ranks(ingame or donor), or money. This includes asking for /fly which is a real money paid donation.
Rule #41

No Auto Block Breaking Farms

Wither obsidian/stone etc any type of auto blocks breaking farms are not allowed. Or exploiting glitches to break blocks and get infinite materials.